Freedom Writers

Watch the movie and explore the following ideas:

a) As regards the role of the teacher: talk about identity and social significance of the teaching profession.

b) the teacher as a collective constructor of pedagogic speech.

c) the teacher as an active worker of culture.

d) Analyse Erin’s most outstanding characteristics as a teacher and how this affects her personal and professional life.

e) What are the characteristics of this school and what comparisons can you make with your own?

f) What’s the relation between Erin, the authorities of the school, the other teachers and the students? How does that relation change?

g) Is the teacher able to achieve her goals? If so, explain how. If not, why not?

31 Comments Add yours

  1. cecilia says:

    the teacher as an active worker of culture:the students called themselves ‘gangsters’,they discriminate each others because they came from different countries:China,Camboya,Mexico and also the States so they had different cultures.The teacher found the caricature and she could not tolerate that attitude between classmates that’s why she talked about the holocaust.Then,they played the ‘line game’.By playing the game,they could get to know each other better so I think that it was the teacher’s goal. I consider that the teacher made them realize that they weren’t so different. As time passed,they could interact with their partners without any kind of violence.

  2. cecilia says:

    Analyse Erin’s most outstanding characteristics as a teacher and how these affect her personal and professional life:It happened because the school didn’t want to lend the students the books so Erin had to get other jobs in order to buy them the books.On the one hand,I think that she was great,she wanted them to have the same material as the elite group but I also consider she could get the material without affecting her personal life ,for example by collecting the money.

  3. Mónica L. Lanzillotta says:

    A) I think that the teaching profession is extremely important in society because through education teachers can change, at least a little, the social environmet of their students. Education is a powerful tool in order to let our students get self-confident and help them to realize they are capable of improving and capable of changing their own lives. As teachers we have to teach them that your own decisions and your attitudes will make the difference. We have to help them to get independent. It is said the schools reflect what happens in the society but teachers as models to be followed can contribute to changing reality. So, as teachers, our responsibility is to show our students they are important for us and for society and through our attitudes we must give them a lot of love because I think they need it.

  4. Mónica L. Lanzillotta says:

    D) In my opinion, Erin is a kind and loving person. She is a sympathetic, strong-minded and passionate teacher. She loves her profession and their students can sense this. For that reason they trust her. I think that her personal life is affected in a negative way but it is not only her guilt because I think that Erin´s husband could have helped her but he didn´t because He couldn´t understand Erin´s passion for teaching. Regarding her professional life I think her mattes were very structured people who envied erin´s success with students of room 203 and for that reason she started feeling unconfortable. I think her colleagues were afraid of changing.

  5. Mónica L. Lanzillotta says:

    G) I think she is able to achieve her goals. At least with her students, she started a change in that school, specially in the way of teaching. Perhaps, she will cheer up her colleagues to do the same in order to improve the results in education.

    I would like to be that kind of teacher. I hope I can.

  6. Mónica L. Lanzillotta says:

    G) Erin touched her students´heart. Students knew each other and they identyfied their same problems and their same misery in other people. They didn´t feel alone. The most important thing is that students felt that one person, in this case Erin was really interested in their problems and feelings.

  7. Daniela says:

    Erin was a very determined person, even though the first weeks she must have felt very insecure due to her students` attitude. This determination to achieve her goals made her successful.
    Once she had established her goal, making those teenagers feel interested in studying and loved by someone, she didn`t stop until she got it.
    She was very caring and comprehensive throughout the years she spent with the group, but she was also very demanding with them, and I think that combination made the students improve themselves.

  8. Daniela says:

    As regards her personal life, her goal made her marriage fail and she got divorced. Perhaps her husband couldn`t stand being in a second place, after her job, or perhaps she pushed the situation to the loimit and as Cecilia said she could have got the materials in other ways, not only by herself.
    Her professional life was highly improved because she had a hard group to work with and she was the only one who tried to teach them something abuot life, feelings, caring about the other and ALSO literature, and was successful.

  9. Daniela says:

    The school was one of a high class with very well qualified students. Erin`s group felt they didn`t belong there; but one remarkable thing is that they weren`t supportive among each other either, there were small groups even within ROOM 203.
    As regards teacher and authorities, they thought that those kind of students didn`t worth the effort. That`s why books weren`t borrowed to them.
    I think I`m lucky of working at a school were every student is worth the effort and where authorities and teachers care not only about their academic improvement, but also about their personal lives.

  10. Daniela says:

    Erin had a good relationship with the authorities at the beginning, but as months went by she started having some problems with the headmistress because she didn`t accept Erin`s “revolutionary” ideas. Towards the end of the movie there are harsh arguments between them, specially when Erin traspass her authority to get the chance of being with the same group the following year.
    When the other teachers start observing what Erin was doing, they weren`t very pleased; perhaps because they disaproved of her ideas; or because they felt minimized next to her power (and by power I mean the power of catching the students`interest).
    Finally, the relationship with her students went through a glide along the year. It started very badly; she felt that she wasn`t going to be able to handle the situation, but then she got something very important to work on that particular group: their TRUST. In the end she was asked to stay with them another year, which was forbidden because another teacher was in charge of that class, and that was another of her victories. And perhaps one of the most important ones, being asked to stay close to their students just a little bit more.

  11. cecilia says:

    Is the teacher able to achieve her goals?
    I think she was able to achieve her goals but the most important thing was the way she found to do it.In my opinion,it was crucial because she had to adapt her class to student’s needs so by writing they found a way to express themselves without any kind of violence and as they read Ann Frank’s diary they felt identified.

  12. Cintia Vargas ♥ says:

    -Analyse Erin’s most outstanding characteristic and how this affects her personal and professional life.

    The most important about Erin’s personality was her perseverance and his devotion to his job. Thanks to her attitude students could trust in themselves and their abilities. She used challenging and meaningful tasks to promote motivation among them. Although it affected her personal and her professional life, she was able to reach her objectives, and the students realized her effort too.

    -Is the teacher able to reach her goal?

    The teacher was able to reach her goals, and her personality was definitely the key to do it. She didn’t give up even when her students show no respect or interest in the subject. She took the challenge and made them realize how important education is.

    -What’s the relation between Erin, the authorities of the school, the other teachers and the students? How does that relation change?

    Erin was never supported neither by her partners at work, nor by the authorities of the school. The other teachers, thought the students were incompetent, and they didn’t do anything to make a change. They were never encouraged, and the environment wasn’t helpful either, they were given the message that education has no value and that they lack of ability to learn. But Erin not only was able to make a change in the school but also in her students lives.

  13. Celeste Goncalves says:

    C) It can be said that the teacher is an active worker of culture. Once she realised that the students had a bad relationship, she was worried about joining them in spite of the different cultures.Little by little, she did it.Through games and talks about the Holocaust. As a result, the students realised that they were not so different.

    D) Erin is a passionate teacher who gets a job in a school where students of all backgrounds are together in the same class. It was not what she was expecting. Besides, the students were not interested in her subject. In spite of the uncomfortable situation, she showed great perseverance and passion for her job. As she had a hard time with her department head because she didn´t want to buy new books for the students, Erin had to get another jobs in order to buy them the books. Apparentely, her husband didn´t know how to tolerate that situation and abandoned her. Perhaps, as the girls said, that wasn´t the only or the best way to get the money but I think her attitude was wonderful.

    G) She was able to provide a different prespective on the situation.
    At first, the tension appeared every time students from one race look at those from another. But in the end the relationship between them improved a lot. So, the teacher was able to reach her goal. That was possible because she focused not only on teaching her students to learn and read, but also on teaching them to accept the others.

  14. roxana da silva says:

    D) Erin is a new teacher and for this reason she is very excited and enthusiastic with her new job and students but what she does not know is that the students carry different problems and the last thing they want is learn literature. She tries tirelessly to make them participate in the class, to enjoy the subject, so she does whatever she can to reach her objective, as get another jobs to buy the books because the head of the school do not lend the students the books, but what Erin did not expect is that her husband could not tolerate the situation and he abandoned her.
    As the majority of my partners think, Erin could have found a different way to buy the books.

    E) In this school we can find two very separate and different “worlds”, on the one hand, there are very well qualified students who have the books and the necessary material to work in good conditions.
    On the other hand, there are the “bad” students, those who are unruly and do not deserve the same treatment.
    As I can say about the place where I work is that the treatment to the students is the same for everybody. I work in a private institute of English and the student who go there come from different social classes and different countries and there is no discrimination or racism.

    G) I think she was able to reach her goals because in spite of the lack of interest of the students she did not give up and continued with her purposes and aims and finally the students learn how to read and write but the most important, they learn to respect each other.

  15. Marcela Grillo says:

    A) The role of a teacher has always been of importance. But nowadays in particular, it should be regarded as part of any individual’s growth. We must consider that there is a great deal of lack of communication in many families today; and most children consider their teacher the person they can rely on. So, the presence of a teacher must make students feel self-confident and help them feel independent.

    B) Of course. pedagogy is an important point for the teaching process. But I think that only an “appropriate pedagogic speech” is not enough to provide students what they need to learn. Our objective should be focused on strategies which let students express their thoughts and feelings and share them with their mates.

    C) Erin is really an active worker of culture. She has shown this by getting interested in what students feel, what their background has been, and also by getting books that really can attract their attention. She worries about how her students get on with one other and she develops differnt srategies (games, writing a diary) that can make them know one another better, even if they belong to different cultures.

  16. Marcela Grillo says:

    D) Erin is an enthusiastic teacher who leaves the safety of her hometown to teach at a school with an integration program. She faces the hard challenge of managing a diverse racial group grom different backgrounds. They completely refuse to participate in her class, but she tries her best to engage them by using a variety of techniques. She was very comprehensive and always involved in her students problems. She even gets another job to buy books which attract her students’ attention.
    Professionally, she grew a lot because she acchieved her goal. But personally, she wasn’t successful as her husband finally got tired of her great effort and compromise with her work; and, feeling that it was not the life he had expected to live by her side, he finally decided to divorce her.

  17. Marcela Grillo says:

    E) Wilson High School is located in a neighbourhood of Long Beach, California. Because of its location and because of its solid reputation, it has become a desirable educational institute. Many students travel many miles and must board many buses to attend school there. But Erin’s group in particular was labelled as “unteachable”. Students segregate themselves into racial groups in the classroom; fights break out and very fequently most of them stop attending classes.

    F) At the beginning, she has a good relantionship with the authorities, but little by little, she meets opposition from her departament head, who refuses to let her teach her students with books in case they get damaged and lost, and, instead, tells her to focus on teaching them discipline and obedience.
    Besides, the other teachers are not very pleased with her work because they don’t agree with her on the strategies she applies to get her students involved.
    Her relationship with her students is very hard at first as they have been given the message that they are “unteachable” and they don’t deserve education. But, little by little, she can really show them how important each individual is and how many values and abilities each of them has. So, she could really make a change in their lives.

    G) I think Erin is really able to achieve her goals because, not only does she succeed in getting her students involved in reaing and writing, but she can also show them how important they can be, even being different from one another. They learn what respect is and finally accept the others.

  18. Celeste says:

    a) I consider that the role of the teachers is very important in our society because they educate us. It is said that a human mind is not complete without education, because it allows us to think and to take decisions. We, as members of a society, need education. And, as teachers, we have to teach not only things related to our subjects but also cultural values. It is important to know that pupils need our help and love.

  19. Celeste says:

    e) I think that my school is very different from the one in the movie. Of course, it is different because of the location, country and all that but it is also different because of the situations lived there. I am working in a primary school where racial discrimination is not notorious, I mean, pupils make jokes but they have nothing to do with racial discrimination. But, of course, it could happen. And in that case, I consider that the teacher has to act as a bridge between all the students in order to improve their relationship. It will help them and the lesson itself.

  20. Celeste says:

    f) At first, Erin has a quiet relationship with her partners, but then, that relationship begins to deteriorate. In the case of her students, it was the other way around. At first, she has a bad relationship and then little by little, she could get on well with them. It was hard work but it was the most important point because through this Erin could stay there with them.

  21. EliGraziano says:

    a) I believe that teachers are motivators for making changes in their students ‘mind. They need to educate children as well as understand their problems; sometimes, even their difficult situation at home. Not only is a teachers’ task to transmit their knowledge but also to explore how to solve other obstacles in their students’ lives. They must feel identified with this role of teaching; if not, they won’t have a significant function in the classroom. What is the purpose of the being a teacher if she can’t understand her students?
    b) Teachers must study how to work with pedagogy in the classroom bearing in mind that their role must be focused on the methodologies to teach new knowledge to their students. As regards the film It was very productive the moment in which Erin stuck some red adhesive tape on the floor and made the students answer her questions. I think that she used a very productive technique as the students started to look at each other and to communicate among them.
    c) She is certainly an active worker of culture. Seeing the students’ bad relationship she started to investigate a lot of strategies so as to ‘unify’ the groups. The problem was that they were from different parts of the world and they discriminated against each other because of their culture and colour of their skin. Apart from that students believed that violence to other racial bands was the key for their ‘peace’ that was the reason there were lots of arguments and fights –during the film this ideology can be clearly seen when the students are fighting in the playground and Erin is in front of a big graffiti on the wall, staring at them and thinking about what she can do to improve these social ‘ clashes’ .
    d) As regards Erin’s personality, I could see that she really loved what she did: her profession. She found that teaching was her great skill and talent. Helping these students really motivated her to work hard, she did not care how much many she had to spent on books for them, or even, how much time she devoted to the activities. She felt really proud when students began to respond positively to her instructions, especially the activity of writing diaries.
    Little by little she forgot that she had a family at home, that her husband was waiting for her every night. Unexpectedly she was left alone so she had to move on with her father. However, her divorce did not let her down. She coped with the great challenge of having their students in third and fourth year at school and she finally succeeded in what she was doing.
    e) That school was in excellent conditions concerning the building itself, classrooms, materials to work, etc. The teachers were high qualified but the students at Room 203 misbehaved not only in class but also outside the scholl. They felt that they belonged to a specific racial gang so they felt that it was impossible to mix, or even to talk, with other cultures. There was much violence among them- They hated each other, even they did not like Erin at first because she had white skin. In addition, the teachers at that school discriminated against black- skinned students. Could they expect a positive response from the students if they were setting differences among them all the time? Their attitude was really disgusting and made matters worse. However, Erin behaved in a different way and she finally gained the students’ love.
    I think that problems of racism are not so common in our schools, even though there are different social classes and different nationalities too. Students are taught from the very beginning to accept the others without prejudice.

    f) At the beginning Erin had a good relationship with the authorities and her colleagues; but as soon as she started implementing new methodologies and strategies to work with the students her relationship with them got worse. The principal of the school did not like her “too generous” manners with her students and most of the teachers believed that they were there just to do their job, nothing else. The authorities did not provide the children with new materials and books because they thought that these students had a low level of instruction, were flat and destroyed everything. However, Erin considered the situation the other way around. One day she had an argument with the principal of the school as she could not understand why the authorities did not give to the children the new books instead of the old and the most basic ones. The woman remarked that these students had not a good level so it would be impossible for any teacher to make them read complex texts. Erin disagreed with her and immediately after this, she started working on other two jobs so as to buy new novels for them. the Students were really astonished as soon as they noticed that the books were NEW and that Erin was working hard to educate them. They read everyday until they could find its purpose in the end. This was a great success for Erin’s career.
    g) Yes, she could succeed in getting the students interested in her lessons, especially she could help the groups of students communicate among themselves without arguments and accept that they were different but similar at the same time. She had to work hard but she could finally revert what she had been afraid of at the first moment she met them: Violence. To conclude, in spite of the fact that she accomplished her desired goal she had to overcome the end of her relationship with her husband. Trying to improve her students’ lives, she forgot that she had a husband and that sHe could not be ‘the wife at home’, as he remarked to her.

  22. Carolina says:

    First of all, thank you very much for sharing this wonderful film, I hadn’t seen it and I’ve found it really interesting!
    a)The role of the teachers is clearly shown in this film. It is not only a job, it is a vocation in which teachers have to be fully involved. A teacher´s reactions or attitude can generate many changes as regards students. I personally think there are some students that are believed to be unchangeable and they are not considered as the others because of their characteristics. We, as teachers, should bear it in mind that they are also our students. We can help them not only by teaching how to write or speak in English but also how to be better in their lives by showing positive attitudes. By considering them, they will feel confident with us and not discriminated against.

    1. amhika says:

      I’m glad you liked it! I hope the philosophy of education depicted in this film could serve you in your profession and in life.

  23. Carolina says:

    c)Teachers have many objectives at school. They have to teach certain contents and they have to fulfill the curriculum of each institution. But in the film, one of the most important objectives is shown. The teacher has to adapt the contents to the reality of the classroom. She has to prepare the classes by including cultural aspects. She needs different strategies to get the students involved and she is all the time teaching moral and topics related to their lives. By showing different characteristics of the culture around the world, the students are interested and engaged.

    1. amhika says:

      Yes, the idea was to show that there are other aspects to take into account when we are going to teach a class.

  24. Carolina says:

    g)For me, the teacher was able to achieve her goals. The objectives were suitable for the learning process and also they were related to their social lives. She has implemented many strategies to get the students involved. At first they didn´t want to read or to write, so one of her goals was achieved because at the end they could read many books and some of them for pleasure. Another goal was to make them think in a positive way, not to discriminate against other people because of their skin. She gained respect at the end of the film and it was very important for her.

    1. amhika says:

      Yes, to gain the respect of our students is something hard nowadays, don’t you think?

  25. Evangelina Delfino says:

    A) Nowadays, teachers have to take into account the social and cultural conditions of the students in their classroom. Students need to feel that someone cares about them and that they have real chances to succeed in life. So, the social significance of the teacher is very important as they prepare the students for the challenges in life. Teaching them the methods of interacting, researching, discussing, agreeing or disagreeing, they are preparing their students for life.
    B) I think that the pedagogical speech is always important but it´s not enough, especially for the students in this film; the teacher has to find unconventional strategies to help her students to express themselves, especially to face their fears.
    C) Erin is definitely an active worker of culture as she is determined to help those students to face their society and life itself by giving them tools and, mainly, self-confidence.
    D)For me, her most outstanding characteristic is to never give up. But she dedicated most of her time to her students and she left all behind, even her husband.
    E) That is an outstanding school: everybody wants to be there; but people in that school think that this particular group of students are “unteachable”. I think that´s the worst thing because students feel that nobody has any expectations for them. Nobody trusts them: they have lost their self-confidence.
    F) At the beginning, nobody has any expectations for these students, neither the teachers nor the authorities in the school. And when Erin tries to implement non-conventional strategies and she seems to be so close to the students, the principal and the other teachers are not very happy. The students reject Erin at first, because they think she´s just another teacher doing her job. But when they realise that she trusts them, that she is putting all her energy on their education, everything changes.
    G) Yes, she is able to achieve her goals. Because she was determined to give her students another chance, to show them that everything can change with effort and confidence and that they need to trust themselves. Finally they accepted that and were really grateful.

  26. Noelia Kozak says:

    a) The role of the teacher is a fundamental one as through education students can broaden their minds, i.e. they not only gain knowledge about reading or writing but also understand other’s people beliefs, costumes, cultures, etc. Therefore, the teacher acts as a bridge between what students receive in an educational environment and what they transmit from their daily life.

    b,c) Teachers facilitate the learning process by using different methodologies or strategies of instruction (pedagogy) and finding devices to do the material and lessons more interesting (what is not enough). Apart from that they should emphasize students’ racial equality by helping them to respect each other in order to be aware of their different features and moral values and in this way to be able to take a place in the community. According to Erin’s work, she tries to approach students by means of a motivating game(the line game) that consists of asking and answering questions and then she encourages them to write their own diaries in which they can talk about their feelings, thoughts and experiences since every student has their own story. On one hand, she attempts to Know about them a bit more and on the other hand these strategies let students know about their different lifestyles and cultures.

    d,g) )Erin was a warm-hearted and pleasant kind of person but the students had so many problems that they were not interested in any activities. There is no doubt that students of room 203 represented a great challenge to Erin but her qualities came over. Her comprehension of the students’ hostile conditions, her compromise with learners needs and her determination to keep trying to achieve her goals in spite of difficulties made her stand out from the rest of her colleagues so she became a successful teacher. As regard her personal life, she couldn’t keep a balance between work and family. She had got another job so as to buy books for the students therefore she didn’t spend time with her husband. In the end, he ended up splitting up with her (I think her energy and commitment to work was excessive). Despite that, She persevered with her task until the learners could understand the meaning of respect among them and they began feeling interested in the activities as well as literature. One of the most important things was that they couldn’t believe what Erin had done for them.

    e) The school was one of a good reputation but there were two different groups. One of them belonged to a high satus with qualified students and the other consisted mainly of students who were discriminated for their social condition and because they came from another country. Apart from that, they also discriminated against them. That was the case of Erin’s group which was denigrated by teachers and authorities. They thought that ‘racial integration’ was a great hypocrisy so they didn’t care about them.

    f) At first, she had a very good relationship with her colleagues and the authorities of the school, but then problems started when Erin wanted to change some methodologies and introduce new ideas. She wanted learners to make a trip as most of them didn’t have the possibility to know or visit another place but the authorities didn’t agree with her. Erin also claimed that there were government programs to integrate poor students into the education system but then the authorities didn’t want to spend money on education or resources for learning because they considered that this kind of students didn’t deserve education. In the end, Erin achieved her goals but she had to deal with the authorities and the other teachers who never supported her. As regard the students, they, for one, felt that someone cared about them.

  27. Estela Hermo says:

    Teaching profession has assumptions about teachers, teaching and learners which reflect what the teacher`s responsibility is believed to be, how learning is understood and how students are expected to interact in the classroom.
    Teacher`s role as a facilitator (helping students discover their own ways of learning and work independently), motivator (building a warm,motivating and confidence classroom climate, improving students confidence and interest in learning),and make them feel a sense of belonging to a team, let students interact in their contexts in a different way that they did it previously and become people who will have these feelings and behavour as citizens in their society in the future.

    Erin is a teacher who lets students be free, say what they think, give their opinions, express themselves, which noboby had let them do before.
    She encourages them to learn, to explore the world beyond their own contexts and backgrounds, make them feel confidence and able to change their lives.
    In a moment in the film, she told them: “ Every reason that said you can`t, … disappear…”
    She facilitates the communication process between all participants in the classroom, she makes them meet and see everything they have in common when they do the activity: line game.
    She organizes resources and gets new ones, (giving them own diaries to write, buying new books to read, taking them to a museum and a restaurant to meet people who had been victims of the Holocaust).
    She is a researcher and a learner too, she becomes a better teacher, improving her professional development but she isn`t understood by her husband, who claims more time for their relationship, so they broke up. At first her father advised her to work there only for a year,to give up the following year, but then, he realizes that she can make changes so he helps her. She achieved her goals and moreover.

    This school is a perfect example of a traditional school which operates strictly on a hierarchy: one principal, a senior teacher and a large number of regular teachers.The senior teacher makes most of the key decisions. The regular teachers do most of the teaching and more or less have to do whatever they are asked to do.Teaching schedules are issued, but there is little monitoring of what teachers teach or how they teach it.

    However, Erin, after asking for help, resources and changes in that school for a lot of time, she contacts the superior authority of the district and her project is supported, so the principal,senior teacher and other regular teachers who didn`t support her before, had to change their attitude with her and students.

    Sometimes, that happens in my school, most of my students come from dangerous backgrounds, different countries or live difficult situations and they always say: I can`t learn English… when I encourage them, motivate them, they feel very confidence and happy and ask for more learning.

  28. Johanna says:

    A) Schools and teachers have an important role in society. Schools were created with a view to transforming the students’ minds into educated ones. Current social changes, on society itself, have had a strong influence on education, schools and the work of teachers. Nowadays, not only are teachers associated with knowledge but also with signs of trust, commitment and motivation. Besides, teachers are fundamental actors in guaranteeing the population’s right to education and in contributing towards better regional educational policies.
    B) I could infer from this movie that Erin adopted a new pedagogical framework that was not focused on controlling and directing student behaviour, but rather on engendering shared practices and enabling students to participate actively as members of a particular classroom community. Collective teachers believe in a sociocultural approach to teaching because this promotes productive teaching-learning relationships, tools that may be used to promote quality learning and social processes that facilitate the development of a community of learners.
    C) Erin is certainly an active worker of culture. Her starting point is to consider how multiculturalism influences the way she is going to carry out her work and to reflect on education as a process which supports students within a multicultural society and multiple identities.
    D) Erin is a new excited fresh-faced idealistic twenty-three-year-old schoolteacher who leaves the safety of her hometown, Newport Beach, to teach at Woodrow Wilson High School in Long Beach, a formerly high achieving school. Her eagerness is quickly challenged when she realizes that her classes are all “in- danger” students, also known as “unteachable”, and not the eager students she was expecting to. Being determined to reform her students, she takes two part-time jobs to pay for more books and spends more time at school, to the disappointment of her husband, who finally puts an end to their marriage.
    E) Woodrow Wilson High is a hotbed of violence due to a voluntary integration program which brings Black, Latino, Asian, and White students together. Rather than having the desired effect of creating healthy diversity, this program breeds constant war between all parties involved, the result being daily gun shots, constant racial slurs, and gang violence. According to authorities, they believe that students are hopeless, so they do not even try to change their situation, their reality.
    I work at three schools. Two of them are state schools and the other one is private. I was surprised by the way teachers and authorities work at state schools. I feel inspired by them because they really feel what they do. Children come from different cultures and very low social class. The school is their home for them because they know they count on their teachers and the best of all is that we, the teachers, have a very important role in their lives.
    F) At the beginning of the movie, not only does Erin meet opposition from her students, but she also has a hard time with her colleagues. As Erin tries harder and harder to have resources provided to teach properly (which often results in her needing to pay for them herself through working second and third jobs), she seems to face greater resistance, especially from her section head, Margaret Campbell, who lives by regulations and sees such resources as a waste, and Brian Gelford, who will protect his “privileged” position of teaching the senior honors classes at all cost. After an event that caused the death of a fellow student, Erin is able to connect with her students. She starts to really let her students feel that they have potential and can achieve their goals in life. She uses some really innovative techniques to help motivate her students and to help her students see through “different lens”. Erin eventually has her students write down their experiences and feelings. These diaries really help the students connect with each other and provide an outlet for them as well.
    G) Erin is able to achieve her goals. She does it step by step. First, she observes them. Then, she reflects on their behaviour and life style and finally, she puts hands on work in order to catch her students’ attention. Her students feel motivated and get involved. Erin makes them feel loved. She is the person they can trust on.

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