Waldorf philosophy

Waldorf or Rudolf Steiner education is based on an anthroposophical view and understanding of the humanbeing, that is, as a being of body, soul and spirit. The education mirrors the basic stages of a child’sdevelopment from childhood to adulthood, which in general reflects the development of humanity through history from our origin, far back in past times up to the present. The central focus for the Waldorf…

Montessori philosophy

According to Maria Montessori, “A child’s work is to create the person she/he will become.” Children are born with mental powers which aid them in their own development. However, they cannot complete the task of self-construction without purposeful movement, exploration, and discovery of their environment – both the things and people within it. They must…

A Dogma for EFL

By Scott Thornbury   In 1995 a group of Danish film-makers, including Lars von Trier, signed a “vow of chastity” which became the manifesto of the Dogme 95 film-making collective. Their intention was to cleanse cinema of an obsessive concern for technique and rehabilitate a cinema which foregrounded the story, and the inner life of the characters….

The role of the foreign language teacher research

1. Introduction  Every teacher must have faced the dilemma at one point or another: what should be my role in the classroom? Should I primarily focus on efficient organization of lessons with a careful selection of the language facts to be transmitted to students? Or should I be more flexible and let the lesson flow…

Reflective Teaching

In this opportunity I am contacting you to invite you to what the following video on reflective teaching and leave your comments on your own reflection on it.

Action Research

It is a process in which participants examine their own educational practice systematically and carefully, using the techniques of research. It is based on the assumptions that: Teachers work best on problems they have identified for themselves. Teachers  become more effective when encouraged to examine and assess their own work and then consider ways of…

What the future brings…

The image below was published by Isaac Asimov in Future Days: A view on the year 2000 from the point of view of the XIX century, painted  by Jean Marc Cote in 1889. What does the image suggest as regards the relation between technology and education? What view of learning and teaching does it imply? …

ICTs in teaching

Read the following extract: A professor at university, worried about his sudden trip and afraid of not arriving on time for his following class, decided to tape it on video.  He informed his assistant about this situation and gave him clear instructions on what to do in case he was not back on time for…

Freedom Writers

Watch the movie and explore the following ideas: a) As regards the role of the teacher: talk about identity and social significance of the teaching profession. b) the teacher as a collective constructor of pedagogic speech. c) the teacher as an active worker of culture. d) Analyse Erin’s most outstanding characteristics as a teacher and…